Those who MATTERS don't mind and those who mind don't MATTER You cant change how people treat you, or what they say about you, all you can do is change how you react to it, If someday was yesterday learn, If someday was tomorrow hope, If someday was today cherish, You don't need someone to complete you, YOU only need someone to accept you completely. Then I made this bold confession to the one who determines all that happens in my life. If you are not connected to heaven , you cant withdraw from heaven. You must posses joy to attract joy from God, no one sees the future when he is downcast-ed If you know your God , surely you will do exploits, no one follows in this revelation with depression but joy. Invest in God's will and you will see revelations of the things you cant see with your physical. If you really want to achieve anything in life you need sacrifice and courage. We don't push because of what we think but we push because of what we feel,...