Write me a poem, that relates with my pain about the unknown enemies we call friends!
Never trust someone so deeply to the level that you give them the power to destroy you.
We will never be able to know who truly wishes us well, and who don't. The sad truth is that they are just so close to usm
Some friend are worse than the devil, do I remind you that they can easily kill you without any trace some enemies are sweeter than your friends, make ammends with them
Sometimes, you don't have to tell people the plans you are making in life when those plans are still at early stages.
Many friends see you as a competitor, and once they see that you have gone ahead of them, they begin to hate on you.
The truth is, not every friend is going to be happy with your success, even though they might pretend to be in your presence. Oh many of them has jealousy that is hidden in their hearts.
Don't ever trust your secrets with friends, one of the biggest mistake in life is learning too late that it is not every secret that is supposed to be shared with friends, many of them have unbelievable motives
Recall that not every friend is going to be happy with your success, even though they might
pretend to be in your presence.
For the ones we call best friends might actually be the biggest enemies we have around us.
Never ver let your guard down.
Brace up to know your friends, sync them, put a test through and watch from afar how your so called friends are.
Don't be too shocked at their behavior, they are totally human, every one has an amount of greed in them but the difference is to what extent.
Know your true friends and know they type of people you hang around with, some are:
Open minded
In all these sweet attributes lies the demon like Lucifer in your friends, yet we still have some good friends greater than brothers.
Vivsravine speaks ©
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