There is a reason why this phase was made and written into law, when it comes to marriage relationships.

Many churches and individuals has so far changed this statement of truth to suit themselves in the name of speaking positivity in faith and changing due process.

God can't be mocked, nature can't be wrong, events certainly must take place and life must happen, no matter how cunny and intelligent we get.

In this marriage relationship we get in, we hope to be better when we become one and that same way we are expected to stick on too when things gets worse.

Although there are so much phases in marriage which we might never anticipate but the realities is that alot happens in this union called marriage.

Many won't have children, so true. 

Many will lose their assets, life happens. 

Many will change physically, certainly  

Many will be deformed either by accident or otherwise, these things happens  

Many will take ill, we are humans you know. 

Many will die too, life fact. 

In all these defects of life you both are expected to accept the worse and still make your marriage work, marriage is a great work, are you truly ready to stick in and accept all life challenges that comes with it?

When it becomes better make it best and when it turns worse, still manage it, the truth about this realities is that during this journey, a lot happens and the  inevitable fact is that you agreed to it before hand. 

Make your marriage work, it's your sole responsibility to make it work, stop listening to naysayers who are out to pull your union down, don't mind them, they also have their own challenges confronting them, work out your marriage with love, respect,faith, tolerance, care, prayer and the fear of God.

It's not an easy ride but certainly your faith will pull you through.

This write up is dedicated to those who are married, may grace find you and help your marriage and to the unmarried, I pray you keep learning from their experiences.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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