These values must be adhered in an African home, no matter your background, never forget that these virtues makes a home and it must be imbibed...

RESPECT :Africans loves respect, from the head to the last in a given African home, we are expected to respect our elders not only in our homes but in the society at large. 

From the way you display your manners at home you are expected to act rigthlyt outside and as such bring the values you learnt at home to the society,  the society will evaluate your character traits and then give kudos to your parents or guidance for good upbringing but if your character is bad you are regarded as a manace to the society. 

EDUCATION : there has been lots of evolution in a typical African home, most recently no matter how poor a family is labeled, you will stil be able to find someone who can read and write, you can still find someone who can express herself without a middle man, this goes to show how we all value education and now, more families are sending their wards to higher institutions for learning and it becomes a pride to reckon with. 

Education makes you stand out, gives you a better edge and make your family enlisted when opportunities for societal development comes forth.

Apart from personal development, its also to help your family to enjoy good amenities and exposure, more so education is one of the driving force that makes a family distinguished in a given society. 

USEFUL SKILLS:  take into regard the Igbos and yoruba's  most especially, they are known for acquiring skiils for betterment of our society, these skills helps in nation building, sincerely not everyone will be able to go to school and obtain certificates but there are other things that needs to be done that requires someone's service, skills like tailoring, craftsman, selling and buying, cooking, driving hair making etc, we all can't do without these skills, its required for nation building and some one has to do it.

The high cost of education is a huge deep for families that can't afford to send their wards to school, hence they can support them to go learn a trade or get skills and over a period of time they become expert in these acquired skills, which brings about personal development and nation building. 

CULTURE : a typical African man, no matter his level of education can't do without his roots, his background is his defence and certainly he is always linked to it no matter where he finds himself. 

We are linked to our culture in the way we dress, the food we eat, the languages we speak, the dance we enjoy , the religion and beliefs, the traditions and our way of life. 

SPIRITUAL SOURCE : depending on your upbringing, either from a christain home, muslim home or African tradition, an African family is expected to cling to one and seek his maker from these source. 

When children are involved, it's expected to show the ways of personal relationship and the way to worship with her maker, a typical African family, adheres to this beliefs and they celebrate all festivals therein, more so they adhere to laws governing this practices. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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