Sometimes it is always best you don't know, so as to keep your mind and actions from worrying over uncertainties. 

Some people don't ever think about the future rather they just follow their heart where ever they go and worry less about an unknown tomorrow. 

With trust and loyalty, with these ideals you build a life of friendship and companionship but these attributes are truly hard to find in people these days. 

When you make a man fool, he calls you a thief, remember nothing seems as it seems.

 Many are out to dent relationships for selfish gains and when enmity is created, we elope with our selves and look for the next victim. 

You need courage, strength and faith to keep lasting relationships and build a bond beyond friendship.

it takes these values created to help you reach your goals in life, you must posses  at least one or all of them. 

Sometimes we pretend for so long that we forget who we truly are, you know you are so special in your kind but we play the fool to be accepted by society. 

We wish to talk but we refuse to listen, we ignore  those who respect us and we throw them to the bullies of life,but trust me when they find those who truly value them, you will never exist in their space. 

All great struggles demand hard sacrifice , some words are easy to say  but some stay with you forever, mind what you truly say to people, you can't fathom how far it goes and how long it lives with them. 

Live in the world you built.. 

When the parting becomes the final gift, recall that :

The body is pained 

The heart broken 

The spirit is gone 

Strive to build bridges, plant seeds and make strong allies, some day soon, it will bring you good tidings. 

Live in a world of selflessness, the world is indeed smaller than you think, ligth up tunnels, mend broken channels, allow the waters to flow, build relationships and create a newer world. 

The world truly needs your impact, create a greater niche

Vivsravine speaks © 


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