Hello bea,

I stole a show from heaven

Then i picked a rose from Eden

Dropped the petal on your door.

I sent you a banquet full of rubies,

Am certain you giggled when you saw it

Your smiled reached my heart and i wonder if you are truly human

You share happiness, you exhumed bliss   aww how do you smile when you are excited? How do laugh when you see s blessing ahead?

We have got angels around they are human beings too, they are exceptional they are highly unique, they are always a blessing, they are sent on mission to be a bliss.

Make sure you are one

Be that person who makes others smile

Share happiness and impact souls

Extend a hand, it makes you better

Figth to save souls

Be the change we hope for

Give without expecting

Sow for others to reap thats the highest reward

I gave an angel a lift, haha i never knew I was flying on angel's wings as my reward..

I saw the rainbow ans touched the skies

You can't imagine the glory

Spread openness reap transparency

Share your belongings reap unseen blessings

Help a soul reap mercy on the day of trouble

Give without expecting reap remembrance

I gave a picked a rose from heaven, you are that special person... You make me smile and I long that you prosper, love and live that's why we are here after all

Vivsravine speaks © 


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