Your probelm is nothing compared to what others are going through in life.
Over the weekend I saw this post and reply made by someone on Facebook and start to appreciate my own probelms which is not a probelm at all compared to what this fellow is going through.
Here is the post and reply :
If you get to heaven which question will you love to ask God?
And her response :
"Why do you give me a wicked man and enemy of progress as a father with step siblings that are as wicked as their father?
Who would have imagined that a father and sibling can be a probelm to her and she even voiced out in pains and somewhere now there is a father loving and protecting her daugther, even if it takes all he has.
Yet there is another situation of a daugther who will never appreciate the selfless love of her father and siblings, in life the things that hunts us might be some one else's muse.
Often times we feel we are the only ones fighting battles or that we are the only ones with issues or that our problems are worse than our friends.
Let me remind you that where you are starting is where someone else has finished and vice versa.
Alot happens in our time, we have seen a probelm that claimed the life of someone, is the same probelm someone else made a fortune out of and he or she is enjoying the moments.
We are all wired differently and what makes us unique is the resilient of faith and how we push through life.
Everyone has a probelm he or she is solving or is currently facing, its just inevitable, if you run from your troubles they will still be there waiting for you, its better you face them and at least know your stand with it and with time you either solve it or it let's you go.
Never compare your probelm with some other person's own, we are different and as such we can't be the same, we might have similar issues but never the same, work out your problems with guts, wisdom and experience of those who had undergone same and find your answers closer
Vivsravine speaks ©
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