The evil that men do don't just live after them but lives with them, above them, beside them, for them, behind them, in front of them and of cause in all they do.

Let me remind you that evil people are the most jobless set of people, all they can do is to run quickly to cause evil and sow pain but little do they realise that the evil you do stay with you no matter how little as slandering a fellow, the repercussion will eat you up like cancer.

Now that you have gone to cause havoc, how long do you have to live?

Now that you have slandered your brother, how much is in your bank account for life?

Since you derive joy to discriminate your fellow and smile at your mischievous ways, am sure you have been awarded in heaven

Where do you think you will end up in life and how will you face the judgement throne of your maker?

Really joy killers, did you know that some day soon , even if it's a 100 years from now you will stop breathing and leave this earth? 

Since you enjoy wickedness, you certainly can't find peace on earth, let alone heaven isn't a place for evil doers.

Let me assure you the ways of evil men are so simple before the Lord, they will slip and fall in there own evil, they will go and not return, like charcoal on their heads, so will the burning fire be upon them.

Oh, do I remind you, these crafty fools are close to you, they claim to be close to God, they are big time church goers, they receive communion like it's their last and they are ready to see that you don't enjoy anything good.

Hmm, but the hands of the Lord is upon those who trust in him, he never forsakes his chosen, he surrounds them like the mountain surrounds Jerusalem.

Evil people are:

They are always ready to do evil

They easily carry bad news

They are always negative minded 

They have bad energy to perpetrate evil

They are very gullible and they hate good things

They are never happy with anything good

They can spend a fortune to see people cry

They are jobless and good for nothing

They are antagonist and never do well

They are known to kick start trouble

Sincerely, this is not a mere write up, take closer notes to every word so mentioned, watch out for people around who have similar traits, they are so close to you and they even eat with you they are around you. 

These joy killers, have tried so many things to get to you but they failed, but they kept trying to pin you down, most especially anytime they hear good news about you, they are quick to find avenues to weigh you down.

Smile at them like you don't care. 

Laugh at them with your last strength. 

Knee before God in thanksgiving for Victory won. 

Wear your best clothes and pass before them. 

Get a sweet fragrance and greet them with joy. 

Infact eat your best meal in their presence and laugh so loudly while you eat and drink. 

Help them where you can, pray for them because they are lost and needs transformation.

Embrace these attitudes, it kills them even without confronting them on the evils they did to you.

God is aware

God protects

God assures

God grants victory

The evil you do lives with you, the good you do comes back to you, JOY KILLERS BEWARE.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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