Its an adventure of love

We decided to buy a house by the beach

To push out the sea to the rivers..

We stood still to face all huddles

They came by with swords, sharper than blades

We fought with our minds and will

They became terrified

They queried and got fury

They were belittled

Awww, this thing called love

Indeed has a language

It's called sacrifice

If you find that one person

Who is willing and ready to stand still

You are not lucky but favoured

Love is a force

Love is a will

Love is a push

Nothing ever stands against a love built on sacrifice, you can't beat it, the force is unconquerable, unquenchable and undeniable

Love is deeper than the oceans, you can't ever get to its roots, it's harder than the rocks, so hard to break through, its wide and unreachable, like how far the east is far from the west.

Don't dare figth the power of true love, as simple as it seems, in the will of a man, it can go places you can never imagine within a space of time. 

Am a pin in a niddle without him.

I just thought I did remind you that my love for you is eternal.

He comes first before anyone, he comes first before anything.

He is not a saint but he is my devil trust me I love him that very way.

...and he says" time spent with the rigth person feels like heaven in Paradise "

Be the happiness you project to others, don't build your happiness on any one,rather give out love, peace and happiness to others, its highy appreciated 

Shugar ➕ sushi = 💯

Peace ➕ love =bliss

Naughty ➕ calm = real🤭 

Tough ➕ fast =we

Cool ➕ crazy =perfect 

Whatever works for you as long as it makes you both happy, don't let nothings stop you from exploring each other, make a shelters in your heart, dream all away, it is something you wanted, don't live without it, make it real and true..

Vivsravine speaks © 


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