I looked for you and you were not there then I remembered why..

My heart bleed

My mind skipped

Sloped in fury 

Tears poured like rain 

Can I ever love again, its truly hard to love 

Sometimes, we could have been enchanted but we thought we were in love, alas its so wrong 

Loving makes you wonder why, for now we are  so happy and the next while, you asking questionable demands, so painful indeed. 

Shattered like the clay pot that holds the old religion of why's and how's. 

You are left to wonder if any one could understand why your pains are here for real. 

Many rather be left alone and chose a path of loneliness than to make efforts to be with someone who will eventually toil with their hearts. 

The mind games continues, love is underrated, loving isn't real, the pains becomes our companions, the tears our soul mate, then hostility and rigidity becomes your folks. 

Then you hear all sorts of rage and worries being expressed, the soul becomes volatile and the mind locks up to attaching heart wanting to share a touch. 

The regrets of the past, the unforgettable mistakes, the lines that keeps coming to mind, the dramas like a play to the eyes, purged but lives within. 

The thoughts makes you scream, the cries of the heart are louder in our actions, we listen but we don't hear, we speak but remain voiceless, doomed in love. 

The arching heart, the waring soul, the weak body and the fighting spirit, all these makes you wonder if love truly exists

You flee in regrets with a sword to slice out the pains it has left you with, surprisingly, its always there, staring at you with a smile of pain, oh, again you break down in fury. 

Wretched you have broken to a force called love, you live pretending like you have never heard of love, it becomes worse when you meet those who have found love. 

Will I ever find love? 

Will I be able to love again? 

Will love find me someday? 

Is love truly in existence? 

The questions pump like an quenched champagne in your head, the tears runs like a fountain within your heart, you bow your head in fear and worry holding on tight so you won't be noticed. 

Some one said, love comes to those who wait  how so? Its meaniless to you because you have seen it all, love is a waste of time 

Oh, I gave my all to it, love isn't fair to me, why must this keep happening to me? Maybe am not destined for love, truly, love doesn't exist, I must say. 

You might have been heart broken but you still got your life. 

You might have been forsaken and forgotten in love but you are someone's best 

Love might have given you a hard share, yet love lurks around waiting for you 

Stop giving up on yourself, you are someone's favourite. 

Brace up and start all over again, its only a probelm when you don't try. 

There is love in so many places,all you need do is to find where you can share yours, many needs this love extension, please don't stop at being selfish because a soul ignored your love, they don't deserve you. 

Speak love, someone wants to hear it. 

Share love, someone is waiting for it. 

Spread love, be that someone.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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