Life has it many phases and the very moment we recollect and make ammends, the best decision we take there in.

Seen it all, the high times and down times, been with so much to spend and also had none, i mean absolutely none at all.

Felt bad about situations and also felt so good about life events, cried at the haze and laughed hard at the bliss.

Times had come with so many questions to ask and you just feel life is so unfair to you, and also there are times you get away with it.

Then, i checked the time and all the achievement so far and i had a mixed feeling, does it really matter, really??

I heard of great people, so too about wretched souls, i still aaked again, does it really matter? What exactly is the purpose of life itself?

We all are passing thru, some had passed thru, other will still come thru, those who hv gone before us, what purpose did they achieve?

We are here now, counting every second and might be here again the next second, then at that piont, when we are no more, i wonder huh

Does it really matter? All we do is to find faults, figth battles, struggle thru, create enemies, make wars, subject a fellow and feel good.

But life itself has a way of telling us the answers even within ourselves, life is short, earn all, gain all, achieve all, life is short. 

You ask me, what is the purpose of my being, i say, i was created without my knowledge, by a God who called me for a purpose.

The purpose to KNOW HIM, TO LOVE HIM, TO SERVE HIM and finally be where he is when he calls me, after my sojourn on earth.

How do i know him, love, and serve him? Through my next door neighbour, impact souls positively and seeking his face in my brother.

After all, live to a  💯 years, you sure will leave this world some day, but while you do, bear in mind the purpose of ur existence.

In the very end of your purpose, you will give an account of this purpose and then the Genevive look won't matter, but your PURPOSE

Vivsravine speaks ©


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