Hey you, because you have all you are looking for makes you feel others are not up to your standards. You are enjoying every bit of the moment, therefore others are lazy and insensitive to understand. 

Miss.SHOW, you have a lot flicking into your inbox and that is enough reason to be rude and insulting, nnem, because you are beautiful means any one who isn't up to your stand can go to hell.

Madam, because you now hang out with the calibre of the society makes you lose your sence of reasoning.

Omoge, now because you have some small change, means you have fully arrived. Okay, you have been to all the poshed hotels, travelled in a jet and lived in a yacht by a private island, makes your class mighty and we hear things like '' he cant even buy my body spray let alone my hair, haunty sorry we will remind you when the time comes.

Brother, tooo much money 💷 we hardly see your face, you don't come back home again infact home is too local for your liking, oh we see all your friends are form Malaysia. Every one here becomes local on your eyes, you lose your respect to them.

Now, you have jioned the elites club, while other people have become so common before you.

Huncle, we are watching you, they will soon post your face on social media,you better know what you are doing.

You have 10milion dollars, you have fleet of cars, and all you business partners are from Arab countries. Now you can talk to anyone because they are less important, just so you know, no one envys your money rather we ask that you do the needful and have sence before its late.

Mr & Miss world people, life has a way of shifting ground, when you have all you deem fit, its better you respect your self and mind your lane. Dont cause a show of scene with your possession, no one will notice, just do well, its all that matters.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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