We all try to be careful one way or the other in our various activities of life.

While you are cooking 🍳 you try to be careful in the best way you can 🥫, maintaining all precautions you know so as to leave the kitchen safely.

Driving 🚘 entails lots of precautions so as to aviod fatal and even minor accidents.

In business engagement and relationship, we apply all guidelines, so we don't loose money and make huge profits.

Family values, most especially rearing kids, a lot is been and being put in place for the proper upbringing of that child 🧒, so he or she won't be a probelm to the family and society at large.

Erotic relationship, also has it own fair share of applying caution ⚠ so you don't go about hurting for the rest of your life.

World and economic authorities has its own, encounter when it comes to been and being careful while dealing with counterparts in all areas of engagement.

My very pionts exactly... Somehow and somewhere, we all try to exhibit a level of carefulness in all we do, yet the inevitable still happens, known or unknown mistakes occurs.

Beeming to our eyes, sounds like echo in our ears, banging like a drum 🥁 in our heads 🧕 and colds like shivers in our bodies, what has life taugth you?

No matter how careful you are, the inevitable always happens, which could be minimal or fatal but whatsoever comes out of it, learn the lesson there in.

Be you a genius
Be you a prophet
Be you a teacher
Be you an oracle
Be you a sorcerer 🧙‍♂️
Be you a holy man 👨

You can't  achieve absolute perfection in life, you will also have your flaws to reckon with and that is what makes us all human, we can't be viod of mistakes.

I chose to write this to them who feels that they are without sin
I chose to write this to them who knows it all
I chose to write this to the melancholy of our times
I chose to write this to the fault finders and evil doers
I chose to write this to the gullible and greedy snitches, who are myopic minded

No matter your category, make sure u are so perfect and without sin.
Don't ever hurt what you don't know
Don't cast when you indeed you are worse
Don't indulge when you are not in the picture

Mistakes are bound, be careful life isn't fair.

Vivsravine speaks...©


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