Often times I write not to annoy anyone but this time, I don't care or give a hoot about who cares or not.

Fiam, they won't check on you to know how you are doing, when they see you on social media, they assume all their assumptions.

One time, they are on your inbox, in seconds they are out to accuse you of not relating to them, they want to use the few minutes to know about all the events happening in your life, the details there in.

If some reasons they know about any event happening or has happened in your life without you telling them they are angry with you and I wonder why.. I just laugh.

You won't call to ask for help and they answer you, rather you will hear tales by moon light stories,endless, I love 😍 myself I will never ask them..

They have never offered or lifted a finger to show you care or concern, yet they want you to do same, when they call you for help.

Better still, when you decide to stay away from them and concentrate on your life they say you are pompous, oh, you have it all going for you, most annoyingly they sync you to give them details.

As much as I love family and friends, I know those who are my real gees, I pray for all to excel, so that one day we will have a convoy to roll on, meet and hook up in various parts of the world.

But you see the eye service rubbish most of them exhibit,  I don't and won't patronize it..

Dear family and friends, don't assume all is well with someone because they respect themselves so as not to bug you, don't wake up to form votron, when you haven't lifted your finger to genuinely check on your loved ones. Don't wait till they beg you before you can offer your hand of help.

If you have or know about something that will better the life of your brother, don't  hesitate to do so, don't wait to see them in pains before you decide to help, life has many stages.

The same person you have looked down one day will offer you help you can't imagine.

Get a torch, get an umbrella, lead in the dark, protect in the rain and be there truly in the good times and bad times, oh, that is a brother, that is a friend

Be one truly... Its rewards are massive.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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