Needless defining to you what responsible means and more so what an adult entails, you especially knows what it means.

My pains is that most adults have failed to be responsible in our world, many of them acting so stupidly in the name of its '' THE NORMAL THING''

You see a full flagged adult being so carefree about the ills that should be addressed, rather you see him indulging and piratically bragging on such annoying acts.

Now who corrects the so called adults, when mostly everyone is seeing things as norms, our society keeps degrading and we just watch.

What exactly do we tell our children, what values do we keep for them, dignity is now subjected to a very few who stands for something, so as not to fall for anything, such people are called "holy holy" in our minds we are quick to cast them.

Our actions are very appalling ,our words hurting, we are out and ready to fight, the purpose of our existence is now all about self, we are now so greedy to a point that the saying " EAT ALONE DIE ALONE " is well accepted and no one questions it.

When anyone decides to extend a hand of fellowship what do you get, dubious mind set, scammers, hackers, haters and evil doers taking advantage of a kind gesture.

Who do we complain to about the ills of the society, what is the society, the society is you and I , who have refused to accept and take the hard truth, you no longer want to go an extra mile to impact souls positively, we just want to have it all.

No matter the fame, the gains and the bliss we are enjoying in the name of societal norm, we sure will not run away from its consequences someday,, its called RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM

A responsible adult is one who sees the right thing and does what is right, seeks counsel when in doubt, advises
when he sees danger, extend a hand of fellowship to his neighbors and makes sure its not always about him.

This adults lives for others and is accountable and responsible to them,he doesn't give a hoot to what society says and what people will say, rather he sells ice cream in Pluto, does what soever it takes to stand his ground, proves a point, impacts souls and his genuinely consulted admits all odds, cause of his reputation over time.


Vivsravine speaks©


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