Run yours and focus on the finish line.
If you keep looking back to see how others are running theirs, you might never get to the finish line!
Eziokwum ! If you respond to every booing and cheering, shouting, side talks, malicious antics from the crowd, you might never make it to the finish line!
Life it self has lots of distractors, even amongst your closest pals, wear focus as a garment and never allow nothing shake or move you.
Many are out there to pull you down, many feels they are in competition with you, many just dont like your personality, many feel threatened by your life goals, no matter how safe you want to play, many don't want you to go far and exceed them, even when you are running 🏃 a different race from them
Be determined to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, stay glued to what you stand for, so you don't fall for everything
Focus! Focus and focus!
Vivsravine speaks ©
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