How r you
Where are you
How old are you
Are you single 
Do you live alone
Are you working or schooling


They come with all sorts of antics..

Many will frown 🙁 at this post but believe me, when i say i am not even looking at your face... E no increase my bank balance. 

Fiam, they come into your inbox to say absolutely nothing, attension seekers and empty heads.

What I don't understand is when you give someone a little chance to showcase who they are, they eventually display show of stupidity.

PLEASE , those involved Knows themselves and before I block them  I will give them the room over a period of time ⌚ before sending them packing. 

Even when u try and answer them, thats the end.. Nothing more.

They come back after a long while to ask the same questions they have asked before..

I love what i do so well.. I just ignore them, till the last time..

When they see you aren't forthcoming, they call you on messenger without your consent, like the sub for you, oh at this juncture, i head straight to my settings and place them where they belong.

Dear world people, when you decide to come into a stranger's inbox, make sure you are engaging and have a lot up stairs to share, so your chat partner will learn form you and long for a next time. .

It is called a CHAT ROOM  for a reason, so make good use of it and to those of you who are in the habit of always sending videos and stupid links,broadcast, i dont have the rigth word for you oo.

Many of them wont chat you in forever and fiam, all you see is a Facebook call, jess, its tiring and highly annoying , how do you do this bikonu???? 🤔 

Courtesy demands you send a text to ask if you can call on Internet, cos a lot of things might be out of place, data issues, busy schedules, on call, meetings etc, not every one you see online is actually online... Have sence bikonu! 

Finally, having content doesn't means you most know everything but rather you can be a master on one thing and know a bit of every other things..

It is very irritating when you come into one's inbox to just show your self and go. Make sure you have something you really want to talk about and be specific with your questions, if the person is free with you, they will flow along but if not please don't force it, you either leave or quit.

No offence to any one, I just dont have tolerance with people who just DM me for just showcase, i don't applaud such people o... Rather I delete them biko.

 Vivravine speaks ©


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