Often times we hear things like I cant cope with her, she has a very bad past, Oh, she hide a lot of things from me and now I know, I can't tolerate that.

My dear, that guy is a whole lots of episodes, his escapades are so much that I can't deal with it, he is even a cultist, I just found out, infact he has two kids with two different women, what's more, I heard he was an ex convict.

Every one you meet in life has a past, either good or bad, but we are so attracted to the bad past and find it so difficult to let go of it.

Dear lady and guy, its highly advisable to let your partner know about your past, if they find you worth enough, they will do everything within there reach to be in your life..

The sad truth be told, no one person is perfect 👌, yes we might not have a bad past but we defiantly have a past, but our now is what defines us, don't dwell in your negetive past and make the life of your partner unbearable.

Share all that is to know with your partner, they will appreciate it coming from you than hearing it from another source, it kills them on the inside.

If your past is really bad, take your partner out on a date, make tnem feel very comfortable and better still on days when you know they atr happy and share with them your worst moments in your past or wake them at the peak of the nigth to relate your ordeals, never allow them find out some how, the out come is pretty bad. 

Share your sweet moments too and live in the memories with your partner, don't judge them about their past because you were not there with them, rather make a difference with them now. 

The good and the bad is being heard by the ears but its left to the heart and mind to decide what it will make of it.

Live in the now and uphold a future, keep the past where it is and buy into the future, if u must make reference to the past, make sure it is not to hurt your partner but rather learn ftom every mistakes, use them as Stepping stone to greater things in your lives.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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