Discuss every and everything with your partner before marriage. 

When I mean discuss every thing I mean pratically every thing, except the things you forgot to mention, but learn to discuss things like:
*Inlaws and relatives 
*Sex and child bearing 
*Family and foes 
*Habits and weakness 
* All forms of challenges and circumstances
*Children upbringing 
*Finances and home management 
*Education and business skills 
*Biological, social, physical, emotional 
*Health and believes
*Culture and traditionally
*Religion and personal orientation 
*The past and future 
*Others, etc

As a woman recall that :

Every king needs an Orator, encourage him , have his back, always be your husband's  fan ,bless him and pray for him.

Being a wife entails more than having a husband.

Dear wify, your father is your first boyfriend ,but not your last love (ur hubby)stop sharing marital issues with him.

Be the first to forgive, it breaks many unseen bounds in your life.

Do you know you are the full bone of somebody and the person is your full bone too, not partial bones.

There is a special person out there for every one in this world, don't misuse yours. 

To the man remember that :

Your mother is your first love BUT not your last love(ur wife).    
Don't play double standard with your wife, a spade is not a shovel, face it.

Dear hubby, love your wife and don't ever compare her with your ex.. Ever, you found her and chose her, cherish her and make your marriage work. 

To the couple, recall that :

There are no PREFECT marriages but there are beautiful marriages because both involved made it work out together. 

Always support your spouse , start a new hobby together, trust him/her when when it's so difficult, he/she is your ROCK, stick to him/her. 

Your spouse is not a TOPIC of discussion to anyone , father ,mother, in-laws,friends,pastors and priest strangers and others , discuss only with your partner. In worse scenario seek for good marriage counselors with high repute. 

There is a BIG difference between BLOOD and LOVE, rather see yourselves as a unit, he/she is that person who you can't do without.

Ignore/ appreciate the flaws of your partner, make him the king who he is, she is the queen you choose. 

To love someone is to love an imperfect person perfectly despite the many imperfections . 

Its shouldn't be about liking the idea of marriage but what is the intention and perception of marriage you are going into or you are in already? 

Love is the greatest way to move forward, you have to feel something before you can  fix it, to really change the world you have to feel it, love always wins.

It's very key to discuss everything with your spouse before hand, it helps you focus, plan and have direction and more so helps you aviod unwanted issues. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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