With the powers vested in me as the Ahudiya 1 of Olugbaje fake people, the asa nwa of my kingdom, I propose the following laws on marriage as the high rate of divorce and marital brutality happening in our society is on the high side therefore the following laws must be adhered to.

... Make sure you know why you are going into marriage

... After marriage before you have the right to divorce your husband or wife will take another 25 years from the time of your wedding and during this time, you will not engage in any sexual intercourse and you won't be allowed to remarry. 
... In the case of violence and diabolic activities, any of the partner that indulges will be kept in isolation for 5 years with hard labour.

....Cheating must be treated with upmost regard, if you dare cheat  your partner, the law says you will be castrated, Simple

..... Because of the scared rites concerning marriage both people must adhere to these laws, teach their children the laws and the importance of marriage and they must be living mentors to them.

.... No couple for any reason whatsoever, should figth in public, quarrel in public, or even at home, its a dent on our children, as its a public show of shame, rather consult and express your pains to the right tribunal.

.... Couples should learn to manage their space live within their means, have moderate children and be good mentors to the society...

.... KAI, because my ink has finished, I would have completed this write up, but for now let's go through these few points, you can add yours to it, so that this ministry called marriage can regain its sanity and move forward, so that the younger generation will learn form us, what we learnt from out parents and in turn share to their own children, we should recall that our parents didn't date but had the best of marriage

Marriage is honourable.
Marriage is scared
Marriage is a generational bliss
Marriage is beautiful
Make yours work....

Vivsravine speaks




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