Don't be deceived by the lights, these are dark times.
Be careful! things are not what they seems to be!! Do not regard every students with lab-coat as medical students some are biology students going for their biology practicals!!! You may think you're heading to Awada only for you to find yourself at Okpoko...

May the apple of ur eyes never make you cry, when things like this happens, it  will look like what I ordered versus what I got, sweet to taste painful to behold, looks like a double..edged sword,then your choices becomes

One of its kind a day,
scares the doctor away,
the other of its kind,
scares diseases away.

Behind every victory there is a tough battle, behind my smiles I hide all my pains.

Your beauty radiates like a fresh apple yet untouched but the inner beauty lies a bunch of onion which when slices!!it brings nothing but memories of sadness and tears.

Beautiful as it looks..
Very attractive as it Appears..
Appeared delicious and attractive
Tempted to grab hold of it all to my self
Surely makes me cry,what I admire most became the source of my tears and pains

What a life, covering all kinds of misery and pain in a beautiful coated apple shape but deep inside, the sweetness of my pain, makes me cry, even when I try to be fine, the aroma can't just help, rather,let the dtears flow uncontrollably

Sometimes we admire rich and famous people hoping to be like them someday, but little did I know they seem to glitter outside but soak their pillows in tears..
Several layers to life..
Several approaches to it..
So don’t equate yesterday to today..
For things change, time evolves..
Remember that as you go further into life
You’ll certainly meet times and seasons
Take your lessons and forge ahead..

Layer by layer
Season by season
The effervescent of your life
Will continue to bring life to you
Enjoy each layer as they unravel

Do not envy me
Not for my beautiful look,
My influence,
My wealth,
My fame,
My ever smiling face;

Do not envy me
When you see me glow
Like stars in dark sky,
When I appear in all shades of sweetness;

No! Do not envy me
For those bright looks
Are just but casings
Housing a damaged soul
Do not wish to be me;

For I, look an apple in your eyes  rather am But a sad piece of rotten sorrow, with slices of onions
that rain tears at night, With pains that life gives;

Do not wish to be like me
For my smiles are but like fancy decoration and beautiful arts covering my tears and pains
For you may never stand a bite of my inner being;

Do not envy me my friend.
The hidden truth about life and love is written in our hearts alone

My mouth opened in confusion
As I stared at that cute face
My fantasies got wild
As my imaginations trippled
I pray it's not love!

I summoned courage and eventually approached this Demi-god
Her responses where so surprising as I started imagining an aisle walk.

I couldn't help but pour out
every bit of my heart to her
It was indeed a lips promise
I went promising her heaven on earth.

She believed to have found a true love as I can't stop appreciating her beauty.
She became very free, giving me the opportunity to break her barriers of love

I eventually made her defenceless
As she got so much into
Believing to have found her prince charming.
She was indeed unfortunate!

My sweetness, I revealed.
My intentions, I concealed.
It was indeed a heartbreaking end for her.
She was truly unfortunate!

You're a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I never knew you're this insincere.
We're among the lines she dropped amidst tears of heartbreak.
I wasn't who she thought I was.

Vivsravine speaks © 


  1. Viv...may I call you Viv? Viv I admire your strength. You writeup inspires me. You seem to have gone through a lot but now have a tough skin. It won't be a bad idea if you tried psychology and motivational seminars. Youths out there need it so badly. Are you religious?

    1. Wow, so thoughtful..
      Please reach out to me on 08126643477, i appreciate, let's talk about this


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