Some thoughts and its realities..

Many pretty ladies are not in a serious relationship, let me remind you, many of them don't have any man in their lives, because a lot of people assume they have flock of men they roll with because they are beautiful.

Our assumptions makes a lot of people keep away form them, because they feel they are highly promiscuous, whereas most of them just want to be happy with the man of their dreams, please, if you like them, ask questions when you are in doubt, the ones who like you enough will reciprocate your likeness, don't assume about them, it hurts.

More so, some rich young men are assumed to have lots of  ladies at their becks, because they have money... So sad, why do we ever reason this way and draw conclusion about people? many of them don't have a real woman to call their's, certainly, they might have lots of woman flocking around them but that's not enough reason to conclude they have women in series.

Assumptions are truly not realities, we also assume that all pregnant woman are pregnant, wake up, our world is evolving and a lot is happening even under your nose, it will also interest you to know that we have silicon mould as pregnant bellies, these are for women who want to adopt a baby, they wear it over a period of time so we all will assume they were pregnant and over the next period, you will hear they have put to birth their babies, if you didn't see the baby kick, don't draw conclusions.

Oh,she is single because her character is so bad, look at him, he is 45 and still not married because he drinks, smokes and womanises, of a fact, he has a very bad character, how do we easily equate getting married because you have good character, some who got married and still have bad character how do we categorise that, let's stop aligning bad character to the reasons why singles are not married because marriage hasn't come to them, there are countless reasons why people are still single, not because of character alone please stop the assumptions.

My dear, she has aborted all the babies in her womb and that's the reason why she is barren, why are we so quick to judge and conclude about people when we are not in their past, please stop assuming, don't mock them because you have kids, our CHIs are different, allow him to decide.

Finally , he is so poor, infact the poverty in their family is as a result of their sins, who made you judge and life director in the life of any one, that you are comfortable and that things are working for you, does not make your neighbour wretched

, jobless and lazy , stop assuming, allow God decide.

Check it through, you will truly see that assumptions are not realities,  open your eyes to deeper truths. 

Ahudiya speaks ©


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