Everyone claims to be single and no one is in a relationship, boom, the next things U see will be  wedding bells.. What does that tell u..???? 

No one is waiting for anyone anymore.. Availability is the way now, then you work your way out in the Union when you finally settle down. 

What I realised is that they all could be speaking to a number of persons at the same time waiting for who will be available tomorrow but the proposed wait cuts off immediately an available person shows forth...

This relationship thing can be funny..
Oh, I have been with him for years and he isn't saying anything about our future.

I have a lot of people asking me for my hand in marriage but because I love him and I know him I rather wait for him but since he isn't making any move, I allowed myself. 

He has done so much for me, its hard to let him go and I feel pity leaving him, but my dear I have my life to live, I am not getting any younger.

She is too full of herself and she is not ready to settle down, so I have to arrange myself and get married.

She feels she is too young and has it all going for her, so she wants to enjoy all the youthfulness and exposure so far, sorry, I can't wait.

We hear a lot of stories in this so called relationships matters and it wil shock you to know that the facts are always before us all.

We just chose to close our eyes and pretend like they never exist while we wallow in the pains thereafter.

Dont ever allow anyone hold you down, if isn't working let it go, if you love a person set them free and when they do, if they truly want to be in your life they will make efforts to be there, don't force it, go to where you are truly welcomed and build a home, its worth the peace of mind.

These days we use our heads to love, no longer our hearts 💕, the challenges are real and placed before us, don't be deceived, the goal is the end piont.. Score yours with your head 🤕 and get your heart ♥ involved when you have achieved your goals.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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