I met him online and we started dating, for over a year we couldn't see but we were still loving up, he calls me on video and we are glued like magnet, so,on one of my vacations from school I decided to go see him in Abuja from owerri.

My flight was cozy and I arrives Abuja at few minutes past eigth that evening, I called him to tell him I was at the airport, he told me he was on his way,  I waited for another hour.
Now, its past nine, I was getting furious, my phone will soon go off, I don't know anyone here, so I prayed he shows up.

Few minutes to 10 he showed up, I wasn't excited to see him, all I wanted was to get into the car and go home, he tried hugging me but shrouded away, he collected my bag and walked me to the car.

Oh, my world, little did I know he was married, his wife was waiting rigth in front of the car with two hefty men,  well i don't know what was going on,  but i tried to maintain my cool.

Give me the car keys and get into the car she ordered him, even before he could say a word, she landed him a sweet slap and pushed him inside the car with the two hefty guys supporting her, I stood still watching the episode as it unveils.

My bag, my bag, I screamed as the car zoomed off, hmm, now what do I do, am just at the airport wondering whats going on, I just realised I am stranded, my phone is finally off and i don't have enough money on me to get a hotel to rest and possibly think of my return.

I sat at the airport lobby all through the nigth and waited for the morning hopelessly, the rest of the story, is yours to find out.

Often times, many ladies find themselves in this scene and I wonder how they allow any one play on their heads, its a simple maths.

Don't ever visit any one without having trice the money for your fares.

Don't ever go on a date without been able to buy your self and friend a good meal

Don't ever go out on your own without making extra plans for contingencies.

Don't ever expect the other person to show up, just plan ahead like you are going there alone.

Don't allow anyone subject you to be at the mercy of people because you were stupid about assumptions.

Dont ever believe that your partner will always come through with funds , shit happens.

A sweet lady is one who knows her worth and won't want to be found in any form of enforcement or pity, she knows when to ball out and aviod all forms of show of shame.

I crave all to get busy, don't ever rely on any man's money, have your own money, so you can earn your respect and uphold your dignity.

Having your own money shuns all forms of rubbish, its better you have more than enough to spend and share than begging and being stranded. Get some value. .

Vivsravine speaks ©


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