The Bea says,

He must be handsome and God fearing
Infact he must be this tall and blessed,
That he is rich is an understatement, he must be very rich.
He must be a graduate and also a business man. 
He must have at least seven streams of income.
He must be from my place, a good Christian and he must have a good reputation.
He must not smoke and womaniser, he must be very humble and tough at the same time.
He must be ready to understand me when I wink, he must listen to me always and he must consult me before doing anything.
He must be a good  listener, good talker and very caring and loving.
He must have six packs, very athletic and sexy, a good dresser and romantic to the core.
He must know how to cook too, he must be very intelligent and versatile, he must an angel helping me in doing things.

The Boo says, 

Before I marry her she must possess the following qualities: 

She must be slim and very handy. Infact I love them glass shape. 
She must be very beautiful and highly educated 
She must be form a good home and must not have any record of dent in her past. 
She must be a good cook, very sexy and romantic and very outspoken and humble. 
She must be respectful and hospitable. 
Oh, she must be a pron star on bed, a good mother and a home maker. 
She must be very good business guru and a lover of God. 

I watched them both explain, while I nodded my head in affirmation but for real I was laughing on the inside and wondering such a mindset they have. 

So when they were done. I gave my own piece of advice below :

Dear BOO /BEA, 
In this life nothing is perfect, you can never have it all, you are not perfect your self, so don't expect any one to be perfect.

Life isn't fair to anyone, even the people you assume all is well with has their own prayer pionts and struggles in life.

Even in marriage you can't have it all, we marry our perfect imperfections because we feel we can manage them.

Rather try and look for the same things you can offer or anything that varies that will make your relationship work.

Stop expecting the things you can't offer, if you find 50 to 70 % of the qualities you want in your partner, settle down with them. The remaining percentage can be worked on and managed if you truly love them. 

Dont settle for less, oh yes.. 
But make sure what you need in a person is accessible and realistic, don't go for all the highs and don't go for all the lows too, make sure you find what is suitable for you and work on your union, keep updating, keep amending, keep renewing. 

Marriage is a working progression.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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