A Certain young man decided to beg from an old man seated at a corner, he asked him for some money, the old man did not ask questions, and he did not seek for clarifications, he just quickly gave him what he asked for. 

The young man thanked him, collected the money and went his way, while the old man looked away, some few minutes later, the young man returned and offered the old begger the money he gave to him and even more. 

Beautiful tears dropped on his cheeks, while he was asked why he offered to help without uttering a word, he said ' I know what it means to be in need,the young man smiled and said to himself, he is "poor" but a rich man. I call him a teacher.

This singular gesture is a clear illustration which shows that giving is a virtue ,one doesn't have to be rich before one can give.

Can I also say that the rich aren't the givers,it's people with good heart that gives, such gestures are enough to melt your heart, many a time we try to think alot before we render help to people in need. 

When people help you while they're still struggling that is real love, it goes to show that they are truly selfless and even though they have their own probelms, they see yours to be more important than theirs. 

Someone once said, no matter the condition be kind, we are all encouraged to be nice and kind to people despite the fact that alot is going on with our lives,. 

Sometimes if you truly want to know the character of someone, check out how they react with people even when they aren't disposed, for the old begger he showed that his real nature is selflessness .

I have always said that "the act of giving Is not from a place of wealth.,honestly, people don't necessarily give because they're rich or because they have more rather giving to them is from a deeper place of compassion, empathy and care.

To many of us, giving is a calling, to some , they have to learn to give, while others, they never learn to give, and so they always hold back even when they have more than enough. 

Goodness come from the heart it doesn't matter what situation you find yourself in, giving is a gift, it takes only a person with the heart of giving to be a giver, is not about  abundance but a selfless heart. 

A true giver gives from the little he/she has,not waiting to have in abundance before giving, in our time, kindness is a great thing in life weather rich or poor let's be kind to people that come our way for help, we never can tell what they are going through. 

Most kind people who truly gives,  knows what it means to beg for food, shelter and clothing,sometimes they give because they alone knows what it's like to be hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked and jobless. They have gone through it all and knows the pains in all so immediately you ask them for what ever little to eat if they have they share, it's a good thing to be in the position to help others. 

Giving is a virtue, you truly don't have to own everything before you give, of a fact if you don't have the heart to give, even if you have the world as wealth,you will never give.

This just reminds me of a quote that says "I gave not because I have much but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing"

Its just a matter of the heart, some people are just too kind not minding their circumstances, such acts like this help to restore our faith in humanity.

Givers never lack, we hear often, lets learn to give without expectations and you will be surprised how nature rejoices with you. 

A preacher once said " you most not have much money before you will help others, as long you have something with you, certainly you can help no matter how little. 

Let's understand that when someone helps you and they are struggling too" let not see that as help rather its  love given without expecting anything in return. 

We benefit alot from being kind,don't wait until you get rich,if you wait till you get rich, you will be not be able to do nothing because greed may likely set in,the little you can do now, do it regardless of the situation you never can tell who you are saving.

Vivsravine speaks 

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