Just when I taught I have more than enough going on already, its quarter to enter depression and just let it all out, then I heard about her fears as she wrote them in her story "Lord if I haven't prayed enough, listen to my heart" who understands the panes of a young widow with little children, everything makes her cry.

Quickly, I shaked out my pains and swallow a wholesome amount of food and learnt to see my probelms as nothing.

So many enabled people without no jobs, entering depression and eventually faustrated, we hear sad news about them on how some committed suicide, others indulged in dubious activities and ended up in prisons, while some wallowed in regerts and pains for life complaining about their situation, but just at a corner, we all watched her born without no arms, another born without no legs, yet they are joyful, happier than we are, they decided to accept the things they can't change and found other ways to make life better, again, I jumped out of sorry state and pampered my self.

We all wished life can be rosy and beautiful all at the same time, but of a fact life isn't fair, it's so hard to face the realities before us, we can't face the challenges of starting afresh, we therefore just want the phase to disappear and celebrate us always.

Eveyone has got a probelm they wished its not there, eveyone you come across in life has a battle they are facing, yet we still go on partying, we still enjoy our meals, we still take out time to enjoy life neglecting our challenges for a while.

No matter what life places before you, recall that there is someone going through more tedious situations than yours, someone has passed through what you are going thru now and definatly, another person would still go through what you are going through now, that just how life is.

Often times we dwell on the pains and regrets and  push away the moments that was worth celebrating, we concentrate on our weakness and discard our strengths, all we need is just a little push and we are good to go and we can become even more better than our present state.

There must always be a current state, a phase of pain and a time of misery and trouble but the goodnews is that is doesn't last forever, certainly it will come and go and life will always continue.

Chose to remain aloof the haze, state glued to what is working and learn to disconnect with what is bringing pains, if you can as possible.

Vivsravine speaks

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