Dear brother, you left her because she isn't working, you see her as a liability, you don't value her because of her current predicament, despite the fact that you love her and you forget the years you both fought thick and thin to stay together, you sold your love for her and decided to stick to a working class lady who you barely know or even love, its okay but recall that, nothing is ever permanent in life, the job migth not be there again tomorrow, so what happens to the relationship at that point?

Dear sister, you love him through and through, but you fail to appreciate his efforts in trying to make you better, you allow little nothings to come in between your relationship, you leave him for a rich man who lavishes you with so many gifts, you abandon the sincerity you both shared and tarnished the love for some gifts, please recall also that nothing lasts forever, things are bound to change someday.

Now, because you are married, you now consider others who aren't married illresponsible and accountable, you become so full of your self and become too proud, hey dear, remember also that nothing lasts forever.

That you have kids and someone's doesn't have kids isn't a cateria to become indignant, you become too sensitive as to why they don't have kids, you then decide to make them feel uncomfortable because you feel better than them, my dear, nothing lasts forever too.

So many inherited wealth and asset from their family lineage, others were just lucky, while some were never fortunate but if you ever consider yourself better than others never take advantage of them, the same reason why we have people who were so rich but today they have nothing to show for it, life changes you know.

Its best we recall always that nothing lasts forever, nothing on earth has a permanent stay, thee effect of change must always occur with time, no one has control of the next second let alone tomorrow, its better to appreciate everything that life brought our way hoping that it will get better with time.

Vivsravine speaks 


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