I watched a video where a young man in his early thirties expressed how happy he was that his father had died.

He was all jubilating at the news of it, he narrated how wicked and inhuman his father was to him and wished him dead even when he was alive.

He added that, he was so wicked to him that he has at several attempts failed in his engagement to either poison him or send assassin to him which all proved abortive.

He also went ahead to narrate how he used various charms and incarnations against him yet none worked and here he is rejoicing over his victory.

I read of an encounter of a man who narrated how he sacrificed so much for his family as a young man, denying himsef of so many things and opportunities to better the life of his siblings yet they all turned against him with so much fury and hate.

We have house hold enemies who all they want is to see you suffer for no reason.

These are people you have gone out of your way to please, some will just be in competition with you even without your knowing, others just wants to rubbish you because they feel they are in better position, while others go any length to sabotage all your efforts and results.

Many would consider it spiritual, others will see it as intensional, while some will even go diabolical to hunt you down, in all its best to know the mindset set of those you call brothers, people change with time, others mingle with different types of people and some even access places you can't even imagine in a life time.

In all you do make sure, you make your own money, strive hard enough to aviod running to them for help always and shun all forms of wickedness they will try to indulge you to hunt others.

When you have family members whom you know are acidically wicked to you, it's best adviced you aviod them at all cost, give them a lot of space and decide to better your life without them.

Get busy and indulge in all forms of activities that would help shove the space and time you would have been with them, when they hardly see you, they won't be able to ferment trouble, none of us can chose our family, we came into existence to know that they are inevitably part of our lives, yet we can decide to put them in their place for our own sanity.

These people can easily get to us, because they truly know us and have a lot of details about us, hence you can also decide to keep them afar and watch them from a distance, we were first an individual before we aligned with a family, hence take your stand in only the things that are positive to your mental health.

House hold enemies exists and many a time they indulge in fetish, dubious and inhuman acts to tarnish and faustrate your efforts when you don't align with them, no matter what happens, know what works for you and stick to it.

Vivsravine speaks 


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