I love him so much but I can no longer wait for him to propose to me, after all its not subjected to a man alone to propose to a woman, the world is evolving, I can as well take the inciative,she said to herself. 

Oh dear, she went ahead, got into a jewellery store, asked for his ring size and got him a beautiful silver piece, then she headed straight to his office with her event planner, couple with balloons, flowers, trumpeters and cakes and wine to propose to her man. 

There he is, with sweet songs from the crew playing behind, everyone got attracted to see what was happening, she knelt knelt down before him and professed melodious and tempting words to woo her man towards accepting her proposal, everyone was glued to see what would happen with no one uttering a word, he hugged her first, said no word and she slotted the ring in his finger. 

The quite crowed expressed different reactions, some clapped, others cheered, while the rest murmured, the music continued while they kissed and hugged admits all reactions. 

Whatever happens there after isn't our business to know and follow up, let me concentrate on those who murmured just after the scene, of cause you and I know why they did and we can list the reasons why below :

*it isn't ideal in the real sence. 

*it's a taboo for a woman to do so 

*it isn't African and its not our tradition 

*that union can't work 

*she would assume the role of the man 

*she is desperate and gullible 

*she is wayward and dangerous 

*what example would she leave for others 

Personally, someone asked me in the crowd, now that she proposed to him, what if he isn't ready to see her family and start marriage plans.

What do will she do?

Another echoed from the crowed, will she also engage herself self or ask him to engage her too? 

An elderly woman buttressed finally, she will start the marriage plans immediately. 

A young man in his late thirties said, be ready to be the man in that relationship and I bet you, it would take the grace of God for such a man to value you in a relationship, he quoted. 

Here is my own opinion, marriage they say is a life long time commitment between two people who have agreed to stay together for better for worse and in all circumstances good or bad, through thick and thin until deaths separates them.

Based on a long term tradition of proposal, it is expected that a man woos a woman, proposes to her, get her approval and marries her. It's expected that a man loves first, the woman submits in love and eveyone assumes their responsibilities.

Recently, alot has changed, we either continue to accept what we believed before or we cling into the new norms the society has placed before us.

Gender inequity, its a topic that has taken so much time whenever it is being discussed, everyone with different opinions but its hard to see us all accepting a hard truth, that we are actually one.

Whatsoever happens in her proposal is subjected to them alone, no matter how sensitive a topic is, we always have some people who would either support or be against it, yet its always advised to follow your head in all you do.

There are so many marriages that follow all the supposedly rigth process but they are not together today, if the "she proposal" works for her, then we encourage more of it, as long there is mutual love and understanding.

True love is a beautiful thing, if you find it.

Vivsravine speaks 


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