Sometimes it last in love or sometimes it hurts instead, either of these must happen when love or loving is involved.

Often times we all can't be lucky with love, or has a mind of its own, no matter how we tame it, if it never approves of us and accepts us wholly, our efforts are fruitless indeed.

You see this love game comes with so much expectation and that's why we see even those who have lived together for years still file for divorce.

Sad, but true, love fluctuates and that's why true love is always tested with so many blows, only the genuine ones lasts the test of time in bliss, while others rancor in pains of its regerts.

No matter what your storyline comes with, it either ends in bliss or in pains, love blows hard and also softens mildly, it respects no heart.

Sometimes, we feel we can't control who we love how we love and give out love, even when we do all these, love can still chose to deal with us rashly and sumount us to emotional torture.

Love gently, love carefully, love slowly, love    poorly, oh don't show them you love them fully, you will be hurt beyond repair, hmm, even when we put all these in place, love can either hunt us or be kind to us.

Love could blossom, glow, and even gives you maximum hope but also could betray you real good, again love can be so shuggy, slow and blink to you yet brings you all the joys you can never imagine.

Loving comes with so many promises, openly or hidden yet it either breaks or makes us better or bitter, we all make the mistake of trusting even when it isn't rigth for us to let all our love, if you must love, please do so with your head and not your heart so that even if you be hit hardly, you can still be sane enough to come back to your feet once again.

Vivsravine speaks 


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