I just wished I won't wake up someday and ever write about this, because I hope and pray that our society becomes so good that evil won't even live in our thoughts let alone manifesting.

Its no longer news that 3 teenagers we apprehended and another was caught by the police after he absconded, making them a total of 4 people in this hellious crime of murder.

These boys had the guts to kill a young lady who happens to be the girlfriend of one of them, they lured her into a place and cut off her head, when they were asked what they wanted to use the head for, they confirmed it was for money ritual.

Some few days ago, in Imo state, we saw on broad day ligth, two young men in their thirties, eating their own poo and in quest too is for money ritual.

We also heard about some young boys that was caught in a hotel with a bag and when the bag was opened live snakes was found and when they were asked about the whereabout of the snake, they said it was for money ritual.

I am not in the best position to capture all the atrocities in this space, these are the little information we have at hand, what of the hidden facts we don't have access to?

Alot is going on in our time, the faustration is real, the hype and quest to make it big is higher and who can stop all these societal decay?

Do we attribute it to poor parental care, or negligence on the government or accountability on the individuals involved?

Its a sad truth, eveyone is highy involved in the menace that has taken over our society, every other day we record sad and painful stories that we wished never happened.

Its high time we look inward and go back to our roots, change our orientational system and effect positive inclinations that would bring about a huge impact in our world.

If at such age, these young lads are prosecuted for murder, they are imprisoned for the rest of their lives and their hopes tarnished, what then is the joy of their parents for birthing them?

Is it now all about money and show off, no one is intrested in pursuing a course or learning a skill or even a trade, hard work isn't in the picture anyone, going the dubious way is now considered working smart and balling, living a life ig competition and impressing those we consider haters.

Its so clear that it is everyone's responsibility to ensure our society is void of wickedness and evil, we are enjoined to purge our minds and renew our thoughts from vices that adds nothing but sorrows to us, hence we all should be out to orientate each other on the need to sanitise our society from ills that might affect our generations unborn.

Vivsravine speaks 

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