You wonder why some marriages lacks spark and every other things seems to be so ordinary.

You wonder why all the down times, if truly they were in love before marriage.

You wonder why the so many divorce and separation in this marriage relationships.

Truth be told, many have failed to sparkle their union, they have failed to ignite the fire that makes it beautiful.

They feel its a total waste of time and hence they don't even want to try any longer.

When last did you take your spouse out on a date, a vacation or even a sight seeing or just a walk?

When did you plan a surprise party, a welcome back party or even celebrate your anniversary to remind them why you married them?

When last did you buy a tangible gift for your partner no matter how small, when did you send them flowers or even leave a simple note or text to appreciate them.

When last did you cook something extraordinary to appease the hearts of your spouse or better still buy such delicacies for their consumption in appreciation of all their care.

There are reasons why these things are so important, they bring about so much ligth in a family

It takes a lot to stay married, faithfulness to the very end is highy expected and as such many won't be able to keep pace with it and that is why we see a lot of issues in marriage today.

Someone once said "don't wait until after marriage before you sync your idealogies on sex, money, inlaws and personal marital interest , trash these issues clearly before you enter, if you don't the results that isn't friendly"

The above statement goes to show you how one must be prepared articulately before venturing into marriage. There are really lots of expectations in marriage and even extra.

Be totally transparent in all you do, add wisdom to it and do all you can to make your marriage work, certainly you will win and leave a lasting legacy in the space of time.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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