You stole my heart best influence, but i will let you keep it.

You found me in the most strangest places, yet I chose you in the most unusual manner.

You reached out to give my life a meaning, now I will make sure I keep it shining.

You shown interest and commitment to me, I am obliged to love and respect you.

You made me fulfilled and changed my status, my dreams I bedded in you, what a mystery.

You taugth me how to love without saying it, I learnt to submit lovingly.

Now love kept us alof our count down begins each day defines why we anticipate and the bliss we hope to share.

The journey a long one, so full of uncertainties yet our faith builds each vision and keeps the dream booming.

Destined for s purpose, lived to fulfil realities, soar to break boundaries, together to build an empire, fought to achieve greatness, stood to withstand all allies, conquered to grow a force unbeatable.

Our love is beyond romance, its sexy within a place but an example to reckon with, teachers of a life time, mentors to emulate like role models, life coach to run to.

Friendship is communication, relationships is sacrifice, marriage is a life time of commitment and example for others to learn from.

The interest begets commitment which also begets sacrifice and in turn plays accountability and responsibilities as partners which becomes the whole essence of love.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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