You don't smile because all is perfect rather you smile because you know all will be well. 

Keep faith because God controls time and recall also that God and time will sort it out. 

Everyone has the rigth to love even a stranger, a wicked fellow and even an ingrate, because love is a force its not a character. 

Love isn't selective, it's open and real. No matter the circumstances revolving around love, it goes to where her heart longs. 

Is a house really a home ? When your loved ones aren't home. Love becomes empty when the ones we truly love are absent. 

Far from reach, yet our hearts lives with them, we hope and long like the trees by the river side for the nearness of waters, so we cling to where our treasures lies. 

They are the bedrock of your existence, the glow that makes us shine, the sacrifice we love to endure, the blessing of our tomorrow. 

We stretch for them, we share our all with them, we go the miles with them, we pray it lasts for a life time, indeed this love thing is stronger than death. 

Some day, our sacrifices would make sence, our choices will be our future and the morning glory the tower of our hope. 

Beyond the hustles of our lives, we can still hold on to something that gives us immersurable happiness, the very reason why we started, the bliss of our togetherness and the strength to carry on. 

Yes, love comes with so much pain, hurts and even heart breaks, yet to many its torture, to so many the only hope, to another the key to unlock all beautiful doors. 

Whatsoever love brings to you, find that special thing that makes you happy in it, discard the vices and awaken the bliss therein. 

Vivsravine speaks ©


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