Often times we want things to happen in exact ways it happened with our friends or neighbours, we want the same process and equally the same procedure.

We live in a society where things can never be the same, its not bad after all but the reality is that we are unique in our own ordeals and acceptance to what happens in life.

Just because your friend was proposed to, got married in an exquisite place and of course had her first baby in the best hospitals in the world, you also want the same, no one is saying you don't have the rigth to desire something good but be mindful that it won't happen almost the same way with you.

She got pregnant out of wedlock, had her baby in the worst conditions and even became a single parent, yet feel she can never out grow it and possibly live the rest of her life more beautifully.

Another graduated with honours got married almost immediately, travelled overseas and got a wonderful job and there you are comparing your self with her and doing all you can to compete with her,  be reminded that there are some things you can never enforce no matter how much you try.

He waited for almost a decade to get a job, now he is enjoying the wasted years, but you failed to remember his story and the years of pains, all you want is to become him or better than him

More again because your partner didn't propose to you like your friend did, you become agitated and turned down the proposal, even when you did accept the proposal you become highly demanding because you want the world to see and feel you.

Mr. A got a brand new car at age 30 and there you are at age 40 still trekking and all you resulted at doing is to become sober and desperate just because you feel  you are a failure, life can't always be perfect.

Another had a baby at 25 and there you are at 45 still not married, you become a shadow of yourself because you feel you have failed yourself and society, trust me no one actually cares its better to be you always.

He owns series of companies and you still work for him knowing that you are age mates, you are her maid and she bosses over you, yet you are older than her, you can't stand your mates because they have gone farther in life.

Never give up on yourself, never compare yourself with any one, no matter what happens in life, never consider yourself as a failure, just tell yourself that our destines aren't same but strive to be better than your yesterday.

There is time for everything.
Don't do what others are doing, just be yourself
Don't compare your self with other people, its never wise to do so, you are unique.
The progress of other people does not mean your are failing..
Live knowing who you are and also know that you are not in competition with anyone than yourself
Vivsravine speaks 


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