There is a lot more to being ready for marriage than just being able to handle my own problems. Part of mature love is being able to support and help my partner when she has problems and not depend on her to always be my emotional support.

Well enough, I know that marriage entails lots beyond physical attraction, financial competence, spiritual awareness, biological facts, educational inclinations and mental health and what have you, emotional maturity is more to balance the equations.

It is being able to stand on my own and being able to help her even when I am already carrying a load of my own." for marriage than just being able to handle my own problems.

Its a bunch of commitment, losing myself to guard another and even family, taking and accepting responsibility that are even detrimental to myself, yet I am happy doing so.

Part of mature love is being able to support and help my wife when she has problems and not depend on her to always be my emotional support and she does same for me knowing what she signed in for.

It is being able to stand on my own and being able to help her even when I am already carrying a load of my own."

Getting married means taking on a long-term responsibility, entering into a contract to respond to your partner's needs to the best of your ability. Having children is an even greater  responsibility because of their total dependence..

Its not a  child's play, not just friendship zone or games testing, it is real work and total commitment to your partner for life.

Many marriages today run into crisis because many of those who enter into marriage are not emotionally mature. It is sad to see a husband frequently reporting his wife to his mother or to his relatives rather than handling the issues at stake.

When such happens, it becomes the bedrock of probelms in that home, because a third party has become part of your probelms and as such it breeds other issues unending, emotional maturity plays a huge role on the lives of individuals who wants to go the mile in marriage relationships.

It is also sad to see a married woman constantly gossiping her husband with her friends. These and many other related issues point to the emotional immaturity of many spouses.

A mature person is not afraid of taking responsibility. If one is not ready to take responsibility then one is not ready for marriage. Marriage is for mature people and not for boys and girls. No wonder, some run into marriage and run out of it.

Emotional maturity comes from having experienced enough changes and crises to become aware of one's particular ways of feeling and responding.

The most important ingredient in readiness for marriage is awareness of the self, that is, the ability to identify one's feelings and intentions.

It is important to note that one is emotionally mature when one has arrived at adulthood and no longer a helpless infant, a naive child, or a rebellious adolescent.

There is no ignorance accepted, be totally aware of what you are indulging into, get in selflessly and don't get it twisted with excuses.

Know thy self, be certain about what you want in marriage, align your paths, thoughts and actions to it, work it out and find someone who ses your vision, sowns in your faith and shares your fears too.

Vivsravine speaks ©



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