Try not to become a man of success,but rather a man of value, the impact you give to the people around says a lot about who you are, even in your absence your presence is highy felt because of the value you impacted.

You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.its always best you release yourself from every grudge, pains and strife you have with anyone, no matter how long you hold onto them, you hold yourself, rather, its hard but let it go.

My best friend is the one who brings out the "the best in me" trust me your best friend might be someone you find very difficult to align with and even hate his words and actions yet they impact greatly in your life and pushes you to become better.

"Don't hurt what you don't know" the pain is more than the thoughts you might go through, whatsoever it is you don't know about, its best you aviod every form of hurting, because they come back to us in ways we can't understand.

Many people will come to you in your life's time, but try and find out who a "wood" they are, now a wood is that person who does not think in line of your goals, your vision and misson in life, such person envies your dreams, kills your zeal or fire for God, stay far away from them.

Most interesting to know, such people do the following to you.
They don't ignite your prayer life,bible study or holiness in any way.
They are in the forefront of gossips and gossips with you and others.
They always finding nothing good in others.
They always taking and taking from you without any atom of sacrifice.
They don't discuss anything that pleases God, they are highy selfish and gullible with words.
Such people whose aura does not match yours and as such they keep reducing your worth.

Such people are dubious friends, the traits are always clear, take out time to study them and stay away from them.

Rather connect with greater iron's who is ready to help sharpen you to become better than they met you, when the time is right, it is rigth.

Stand up for something  or you fall for anything in your life's time, don't allow any one, any force, anything whatsoever to program who you are.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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