The high rate of money rituals is no longer news in our times anymore.

Yesterday a friend sent me a video of a man who was asked to sleep with a mad woman in public ( this happened at plaza roundabout in uyo), the man drank some watery substance and started sleeping with the mad woman in Broadway ligth and people were seen cheering him.

Again, it isn't news about what we hear about G BOYS, though such rituals has always been in vogue but it has always been hidden for public view.

One Onyeze Jesus acclaimed prophet of wealth lures young men and women into a newer phase of ritual, where they stripe naked, holding animals and spraying currency on the river as a way of fortifying them for wealth.

You start to wonder what really happened to us, then my friend answered "End of time beckons when people will want to do anything for money" he further buttress his statement by saying "If people believe in all these shits then I will want to sell them the Brooklyn bridge.

When people are at their wits end anything to get money seems lucrative. Why are you so desperate to make  money by all means ?

Is it really worth all the trouble, why not wait on God?

These questions and more keeps coming to mind as to why its pratically every one desperate about.

Vivsravine speaks 


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