If you really want to achieve anything in life you need sacrifice and courage.

If you must succeed in life, you have got to believe in yourself first because many people won't believe in you no matter how good you are.

We don't stay because of what we think but what we feel and the courage that pushes us through.

We don't just stay with people because we care alone but because we want to and affect a change.

I carry the hopes in my chest, many wait for me to see the courage I carry , the pain I bear is beyond me but I still hold on for many.

Many wonder if am a superwoman, alas almost a nobody, a small me but a big personality in a cruel world

The world is only for the strong, someone and something waiting to hunt you, the figth and struggle is real, injustice is on the rise, heart breaks is for show and the unfairness is a norm.

Many don't deserve what befell them, but the pain of the next moment is staring at you on the face, the laughter ceases to come because the pains overshadows it.

When do we live freely, when do we enjoy the fruits of our struggles, our hustles is more than the gains we see, the labor is unending, oh what a life

We Iive to behold a new phase, yet each time that comes around after anticipating only ends up to hurt us and bring more fear and worry, we can't be accept the pain we are used to.

In all our pains, we count our worries and we are aligned to the fact that life will happen in a blissful way to us someday and our joys will be full.

Live knowing that someday our dreams would come through despite all the odds life has given us, the pains we bore and the figths we won

Keep faith alive and hope beaming

Vivsravine speaks ©


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