Sometime ago, I had this mentor who always blesses me with so much that his act of giving made me conclude he is an angel sent by God to me.

There years ago something happened, he was working on a project and he got stucked with money because it was a holiday where he was so he couldn't mansfer money to the person working on his project that required urgent attention.

So, one of those days, I just called to check on him and somehow he managed to relate his current ordeal to me and how he can't wait for another two days before bringing out funds and how all he reached out to concerning the challenge couldn't help.

Immediately, I stepped out to help him, I asked him to send me the account number of the person working on his project, he smiled and asked me how I was going to get such money, I told him that I don't have the complete amount he was looking for but I have 70% of that money, who I saved over a period of time, which he actually blessed me with.

He was highy amazed and impressed, he sent the account details to me and I sent the money to the man immediately, he waa so happy that he called to thank me for the gesture.

Two days after, I received that amount thrice of what I gave him and he even promised me some goodies when he comes back home.

Often times, we forget that we all need help, no matter how influenced, rich or wealthy we could be, certainly, it is what we sow that we reap.

You can't be hordey with giving and expect miracles to come your way.

It is those who give, that receive in abundance to what they gave, they can never lack because they connect to the maker who gives wholesomely without withholding anything

We hear things like "givers never lack" and "the measure you give the measure you would receive" and "blessed is the hand that giveth than the hand that taketh"

Giving is like storing your treasure in a safe place where no one can steal from, so when you need something you go there and get it in abundance.

Giving entails a lot of sacrifice, its draining sometimes because it entails you giving up your own needs and wants for the good of others.

You can't reap where you did not sow, you can't enjoy from where you did not invest and you can't get from where you did not give.

Again, giving is like planting a seed, you weed, water and nurture and some day soon, you would enjoy it grow, eat the fruits and even sell the produce.

You are what you do, be positive with it.

Vivsravine speaks 


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