The world is full of  haze, everyone to himself and we have so become selfishly inclined that we go about our business without stopping by to check our neighbours.

Its expected we make the world a better place for us all to live in, affect lives positively and make it habitable for us all and most importantly, leave the earth a better place for generations yet to come.

It's said that Liberal minded individuals have high expections from people because they easily dish out what they have in mind and also swing into actions to achieve them.

Hence the need to consider our neighbours who are so insignificant yet they form part of our world, the goal is to make it clearer for the blind, make it audible to the deaf , swift for the lame, sweet to the dumb.

Serving humanity is the impact that leaves a trail even when we are gone and even known to those who couldn't meet us but felt our presence by the legacy we left and the goals we achieved for all to enjoy.

Developing oneself is very good but to attain maximum happiness that lingers a life time is to impact positively to the lives of those around us, no matter how wealthy and comfortable a person becomes, he or she needs others to attain a level of satisfaction.

Look around and see who needs help, there are so many around us, take up a project in the life of someone watch them glow in radiant glory, the hope we give helps someone live for tomorrow, the love we share sustains them and the care we give goes a long way in making them see reasons to help the next generation.

It shouldn't be about you always, reset your priorities include someone who can't reward you in it and strive to see them happier than you met them, the world needs you to flourish, do all you can achieve this, leave a sweet thought in every heart you encounter.

Vivsravine speaks 


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