You want her, you went for her.

You saw a future with her yet you still eye another.

You married her, still you profess love for another.

The same words you use for her to brighten her day is the same words you use for your mistress.

Love isn't two faced, you can't eat your cake and have it, love entails giving your all to who so ever you profess your love to.

Someone would say to me, you might love your wife and still love another but not the same measure of love for your wife.

How would you feel if your wife shares her love with some other person?

Indeed true love is jealously inclined, you can't truly love a fellow and give them a part of you, it entails giving your all to them without reserve.

This singular act has caused alot of havoc in homes and many relationships, its a form of emotional cheating and as such many handle it in various ways best known to them.

Don't go professing love to one when you are married to another, don't call pet names to one when you call same pet name to another, dont create a confusion in your home because you never can tell who is watching and recording

Stay where you found love, stick to what makes you both happier, don't make your partner an option when she ought to be a priority, it's hard to love, when you found one don't misuse it

The way we react to things differs, many won't take the fact that you are not sincere to them and hurt you beyond your imaginations, love has many uncontrolled powers yet its beautiful when it's mutually accepted.

There is an ultimate kind of love that is undivided no matter who is involved, learn to stick to what you profess, act what you confess and give in your all to make things work, no one loves to be cheated no matter how much they love you and can easily forgive you, do to others what you wish they do to you.

Vivsravine speaks


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