Growing up was such a memory I can't easily forget about, it always lived with me.

Funny enough, I was that kid who had over protecting parents, I was dependent on my parents for everything.

I was that kid who was told to study hard and make good grades and work hard to become someone great in life.

I was that kid who never had childhood friends even when I did, they were from a distance, why because my parents would tell us to stay indoors so that they won't feel we want their food when we go visiting.

I was that kid who never played with my neighbours because my folks would say I i will get injured and when I do, it would hurt and leave a scar on my body, so because of this I never indulged in any kind of play that would expose me to hurting.

I was that kid who never visited family and friends on long holidays because my parents feels some dirty adults would take advantage of me, so I lost out in experiencing what the world looked like apart from my home.

I was that kid who assumed responsibilities at a very tender age because my mum would say if I miss out now my other siblings will ply the same route and it would be a dent in my family, so I became too serious with life.

I was that kid who was so exposed being independent at a very young age because I i had other siblings and dad would say, no one is ready to leave their own needs and attend to your troubles so you have to be on top of your needs and plan ahead

I was that kid who learnt morals, discipline and virtue and trying never to make a mistake but I never knew that even the mistakes was part of life and most times it makes me feel like I i regret not doing some stuff.

I was that kid who never allowed anything pass by, I was too smart for my age, oh, wished I used the smartness to establish an empire but another regert though but my smartness was to protect my self and guide my siblings alright.

I was that kid who didn't explore at all, I can't ride a bicycle, even when I see my mates doing so, I can't swim even if I got close to the stream or pool, I can't insist on anything because I would have calculated in my mind, hence I never asked for nothing.

I was that kid, enivorment, life and even personality stole from, all I enjoyed as a kid was home food, my parents guidance, my siblings love my books and the joy of Christmas, hmm.

Now growing up, I came out of my shell to explore a world full of haze, I couldn't see, many wanted to take advantage of my naive mindset but grace led me, my upbringing played a major part of allowing my conscience prick me to do the rigth thing.

Call me wild and wise,
Call me raw and dirty
Call me too discipline and rigid
Call me fragile and innocent
Call me exposed and cunny

Trust me, I know where I belong and I still chose to remain there, I lost many friends who feel they can play with my mind but I just smiled at them all and moved with speed.

Yet, I kept my click smaller, I became  intensional about my choice and the value that's been added with the people I meet henceforth.

I am better without those who wants to always take from me without adding to my life and I  became best with those who are value inclined friends, who are just out to see you win big.

When i was a kid, I didn't want to become any sort of professional status, I just wanted to become great, occupy space, impacting in the lives of people and doing exploits traveling and securing my space.

Vivsravine speaks 


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