After doing my routine that morning, I decided to go make my hair that morning.

While I was about to enter into the salon, I met the owner outside and we exchanged pleasantries.

I walked into the salon to take my seat, when I met a generator repairer working on her generator inside the salon and I greeted him and sat down.

He returned my greeting and continued his work, shortly afterwards, a young lady entered the salon and didn't greet him but only greeted the owner dropped her bag and left.

This generator man, picked offence and started hauling all sorts of insults on this lady and went further to say that's how Igbos do.(he spoke in yoruba language) 

Instantly, i lashed back at him & told him not to say so, that I greeted him doesn't make me a yoruba lady, as a matter of fact am igbo and you can't equate greetings to a tribe alone.

I continued with him, that one greets you or not doesn't make the person bad, it's only out of courtesy we do so, many don't even bother to exchange pleasantries with those who they live with let alone total strangers, yet its more of a personal bid to either greet or not.

He remind quite when he got to know that I was igbo and I heard what he said in yoruba, he later accepted to my candid opinion and ignored the young lady when she came back into the salon.

Salutation isn't love, that one exchange pleasantries with you does not mean they appreciate you or are so fond of you, learn to accept people for who they are and try not to impose anything on anyone,race or tribe

In this part of the world, there is more to salutation, it goes beyond a race yet it is an individual thing, let's learn to let people be in whatever deem fit is okay by them, the end will either justify them or mare them.

Vivsravine speaks 


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