you are my choice, more than enough for me..

You found me, I choose you and that's my best pride.

I won't trade you for the world, you complete me and I am contented

Certainly, am full of flaws yet you compliment me and what more can I ask for.

Like a strong wind, you blow away all the pains therein and I felt brand new.

My life like a river of sorrows but you came like a calmed blue sea and showed me the depth there in.

I smiled like i saw thw angels, the glories filled me like butterflies in my belly.

Then, I recalled why I smiled in the first place, you are the reason I giggled with smiles.

Rescued from the shackles that held me down, I met with a soul so blessed beyond my word.

Best influence runs me through like a scanner, hw prints me out to bw show cased then like a frame I was crafted to be seen in gallery.

Only love could make you do so, the ache would just go away knowing it has a pain killer standing by for remedies.

My love of all times, the glory that covers me, the radiant of my being, the color of my love, the crown that fits me, my joy so unlimited.

It isn't loves day yet I write an epistle about you, then I covered my lips with kisses from you and got lost in your warm embrace.

Vivsravine speaks 


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