Honour a woman
Love a woman
Respect a woman
Bless a woman
Educate a woman
Polish a woman
Secure a woman
Give a woman
Believe a good woman
Celebrate a woman
Cherish a woman
Protect a woman
To all the correct, sensible, independent, strong
courageous, gorgeous, enerous, loving, caring, selfless and decent woman who pull through to make a difference.
Dear sisters live for the now, hope for a better future, remain beautiful admits all challenges of life.
Shout to all those whoae husband left them to cater for their children alone.
Shout out to those widows who stand in for something despite the pain they go through.
Shout out to them who tradition and laws has subjected them to abject pains and miserable conditions.
Shout to them who are incapacitated, those whom we considered handicapped, those who are physically challenged and those who are truly delusioned and who feel desolated and uncared for.
We remember you all today, ws share in your pains and who pray with you and for you always.
You are the diamonds that lives amongst us thank you all enough for the good times and bad times.
For all the cares and concerns, for the pains and selflessness, for the worries and sorrows you bear for us, for the harsh and unpalatable situations, here is to say ww love you and appreciate all the moments of silence and shouts.
May all your efforts in making the world a better place not be in vain and may we always live to do better than you did and may we never forget your great legacies to be better women.
Vivsravine speaks
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