We smile with our face glowing while the inner being settled in misery, we fake it, just to look all good but down in our hearts pain untold

The pain is unbearable but I still try to take the smile don't judge what you don't know, truly am scared of the unknown 

Behind the beautiful and smiling face, there's always and untold story of pain, agony, anguish and a shattered heart.

You came to me promising me the world 

I gave you my heart and soul  but you battered it all

You said you'll stay beside me always 

But here I am alone in the stor, alone and lonely in a world full of uncertainties. 

Covered with a mask of smile, a face with the reality of my mere self, day and night I weep, living a life full of pain and anguish. 

I can't hide forever how I feel, 

I can't continue to live in pain, 

The fake smile can't continue, where is the liberation, save me I need help, an agonizing it is,with pain of the past 

This is what some of us are going through, be nice to everyone you don't know what they are passing through.

I smile 

I laugh

I mingle 

I cry yet I wished 

Trying so hard to hide my sadness inside of me, I am shattered, I am being pierced with a lance, the pain of behind this pretty face is a saddened soul, I bear it all by myself

Living in the world full of corruption, fears of unknown, perpetual pain and consistent worry 

eonomic crises and political disaster, religious wars and even a world with a pandemic, the pain lingers. 

Lo, my country needs freedom, the youths are being brutalized because they sought freedom, no hope for our children unborn and the aged weep in fear, the smile behind the pain indeed. 

But one day I shall hide not my tears behind my smile anymore, rather ;

I shall be free 

I shall prevail 

I shall laugh 

I shall breath again

But wait, I

I'm pained, I'm bruised

I'm a shadow of myself, I am not who I used to be, I can't hold it no more, i'm shattered, am wounded, I want to be free again without my pains 

Beneath my beautiful smiles are tears of pain and agony.,in the midst of pain and agony, my smiles is what I give to the world.

My heart grieves yet I am the only one aware, lost in my own grief and agony yet I come out bright and  beautiful, I find solace in seeing your smiles.

Can you be kind enough to step into my world and see how damaged I am on the inside? My pain, my grief, my agony, my sorrows, my tears all concealed with one beautiful smile.

My life, my story is a sad one yet I find the courage to smile with the hope that this too shall pass so even my soul can find happiness and smiles too.

My   heart is broken daily, but I still see the sky and I am strong, even where I know I am weak, they said I am a super being but I know my imperfections.

I display more of what I am not to please the eyes, but my spirit is broken because I know within me all is not well, even if I say it is well, it is to encourage the weak, so I pretend I am strong, 

We lost and remember loved ones, the bliss they brought, the time we shared the guts they pulled and the worries we endured, now life took them away from us. 

Behind the smile lies lots of pains untold. So unbelievable and unbearable indeed, judge me not we all have a cross we carry.


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