Okonjo recently became the first woman to be president and director of world trade Centre and she was duly applauded for her Hardworking efforts, yet there is also a woman who isn't known, who lives in the rural areas and who functions in her own capacity.

The debate as to why she was highy rated was because she is exposed and influencing and has the rigth platforms to explore, again there is also a fellow who never has such opportunity and we fail to celebrate them too.

Each and every one of us has our strength, and weaknesses, we have limits and heights, the fact is doing what you know how to in your best interest and capacity.

We all don't need to be Okonjo before we cab attain success, rather where ever you function, do so with almost strength and zeal, make your passion speak for you and while you do so, don't be limited in expanding your reach.

People would apprise you in whatever capacity you chose to function, don't be dismayed because you don't find yourself where others are,know that you are the best version of your kind and no other person can be like you.

Learn to appreciate people who put in efforts to make something work, effect good change and touch the lives of people positively with what they do, these are the real people who tirelessly they see we excel and progress.

We all can't function in the same terrine, ww are all gifted in different strengths and as such we all must put them to use for the betterment of our world.

Envy no one in their capacities, that their own strength, you also have your functionality and what you do well on, so don't allow jealousy of any sort slowdown your pace in appreciating others and being the best you can be.

Vivsravine speaks


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