We all hear different stories about many wives who leaves their husband's because he was promiscuous and as such they can't bear to live under the same house with him.

The saying that goes thus "men are polygamous and promiscuous in nature" should be enough reason why you should stay in your home.

Oh, because hw impregnated your maid, therefore you leave your matrimonial home to her and your hubby to manage.

In such case, welcome the baby because its your husband's blood and child, but set the pace running, either he takes care of the baby outside your matrimonial home or the child lives with you in your home

Its so sad, you can't pack your belongings and leave because of this, yea men cheat but you can still make an impact by making them know you know they cheat by other means not by leaving your home.

How would you feel comfortable leaving all you built with him, the struggles and the pains all because of another woman, you decide to be a single mother and all thw emotional down times.

Apart from domestic violence, no woman should leave her home because the husband is a cheat, such women aren't reasoning well, when you leave he would bring her in and the process continues but when you stay, he won't dare bring her home.

If your partner cheats, stay with them but guard your body very well from him so you can have a healthy life.

Recall that marriage comes with so many unplanned situations, yet one has to be guided in all decision making for a better future no matter what comes to play.

Don't allow a habit to make you bw amongst those with separated relationships, desolates homes and unresolved dispute in marital homes, rather set a difference and make a point.

Everyone has one deficiency or the other but don't allow them to ruin you or stop what you are building in a process, apply wisdom and rigth experience to do that which is better. 

Vivsravine speaks 


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